Monday, April 27, 2015

Unit 12 Digital Online Archives

Posted 5 pictures to the site, what a cool idea.  I know Northern VA has changed a lot over time.
One digital project that I came across is Harvard-Yenching Library: The Hedda Morrison Photographs of China. The project is really amazing and has thousands of photos on it.  It also offers a really nice chronology section and looks nice and is easy to navigate.     The one that I came across that was not good for me was  This project had a lot of links that did not work or where no longer active.  If you are going to have with past projects I think it needs to be closely maintained and up to date.
Project up Date- Right now I am working through the years of my life I have started with the 70s and have gotten through some of the 80s.  I am finding it difficult to pick out what I feel is most important for each year, but better to have too many options then not enough right?

1 comment:

  1. The China photographs are nicely done.
    On your project, you don't have to cover anything, and you can skip over things. For example, 1980s, some might write a lot about Iran-Contra; others might not even mention.
